Home Forums Care of the Elderly Fall 2018 ECHO Care of the Elderly Discussion Boards Fall 2018 ECHO Care of the Elderly: Welcome Page

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    Hello Learning Partners!

    The start of Cycle 2 of ECHO Care of the Elderly (COE) is fast approaching! We here at ECHO COE thought this would be a great opportunity for everyone to get familiar with the Discussion Board feature. After each ECHO Session a new discussion board will be available for any outstanding questions or comments regarding that week’s topic.

    Since we will be getting to know each other in the coming weeks, we thought it would be nice to use the first discussion page as an introduction. We encourage everyone to post something interesting about themselves, and what they look forward to gaining from the ECHO Care of the Elderly program.

    Here is our team enjoying the first session of our ECHO Pilot!


    The ECHO COE Team

    Ewa Ceccon

    I an NP working in primary care at the FHT in Sudbury. I see a range of patients throughout the day, pediatric to geriatric.
    I am interested in learning how to assess and manage this particular demographic. Currently within our FHT, a we have a few NP’s who specialize in care of the elderly, and I aspire to increase my knowledge base like them. I look forward to learning everything from assessment, evidence based review and learning from experiences of the group.
    I look forward to ‘meeting’ everyone and share our learning in the upcoming weeks.


    Hi Ewa and welcome!


    Lisa Sokoloff

    HI everyone. My name is Lisa Sokoloff and I’m a member of the Hub team at Baycrest. I am a speech-language pathologist by profession but currently work as the Manager, Training & Simulation at Baycrest. I’m very proud to be the director of Project ECHO-COE and look forward to meeting all of our learning partners at the first session tomorrow!

    Andrea Moser

    Looking forward to our first ECHO session for Cycle 2 this afternoon. Im one of the facilitators and am a focus practice care of the elderly physician. My practice is at Baycrest Health Sciences where I have worked for the past 6 years, previously had a practice in Huntsville and have done a mix of LTC, home visits and consultation practice throughout my career. Hoping everyone is able to join this afternoon and participate in the discussions!

    Shaen Gingrich

    Hello Everyone! My name is Shaen Gingrich and I am a member of the Hub Team at the North East Specialized Geriatric Centre (Sudbury) as well as a project coordinator for ECHO COE. I am a Physiotherapist by profession but currently in the position of Geriatric Knowledge Translator at NESGC. I feel so fortunate to be a part of this ECHO and look forward to getting to know all of you!

    Crystal Gingras

    I was very pleased with the first Echo session held yesterday, great job everyone!
    I am Crystal Gingras, a Psychogeriatric Resource Consultant working for NOSH from both of their location, Terrace Bay and Marathon. My main focus in both communities is Long Term Care, and Chronic Care. I do also accept referrals for Acute as well as community. In both communities I am the only professional working with older adults and behaviours.

    I am still fairly new in my position, just over a year. Before this I have worked as a residential councilor for women and children fleeing abuse and as a child protection worker. I am looking forward to the chance to learn from others in the field.


    Hi Crystal – glad you enjoyed the first session! Based on your role, it sounds like the ECHO Care of the Elderly program is a great match for you!

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