ECHO stands for Extensions for Community Healthcare Outcomes. ECHO connects health care providers with an inter-professional specialist team through weekly videoconferencing sessions. The sessions include didactic presentations and interactive discussion of de-identified patient cases. Health care providers who attend ECHO gain enhanced skills and confidence in managing complex chronic conditions safely and effectively.
Each ECHO Care of the Elderly Curriculum is held on a weekly basis. Day of the week and time vary between curricula.
Upcoming ECHO COE curricula:
1. ECHO - Long Term Care - weekly from Tuesday September 10 – Tuesday December 3, 2019 (with the exception of October 1, 2019) from 11am-12pm.
2. ECHO - Dementia - weekly from Wednesday October 30 – Wednesday December 4, 2019 from 3:00pm-4:30pm
Sessions are online via videoconferencing using Zoom, not in person. Zoom is free to use and easily downloadable:
There is no cost for registering or attending ECHO sessions.
Any health-care provider (HCP) in Ontario.
Applications for ECHO Long-Term Care and Dementia series are now open
Register here. For more information please contact Navena Lingum for more information.
If you would like to attend a session before you apply for an upcoming cycle, please contact Navena Lingum
Yes, everyone is welcome! If co-workers/students attend, we please ask you to include their name and position during attendance roll-call at each session.
Note: Only registered participants will receive CPD credits.
You will need:
• A computer with a webcam, microphone and a stable internet connection OR
• An iOS Android mobile device and phone connection for audio only
• We use You do not need to create a log in or download any software to start viewing.
For your first session, please log in about 15 minutes earlier to ensure that everything is working. Our IT tech would be available to assist you to connect.
Contact if you have any additional questions or require additional support; for example, if you would like to do a test run prior to the session.
You will receive an email the day before the session which contains:
• The agenda
• A link to connect to the session. The link changes every week.
• Materials for the session (didactic presentation and case information).
The emails will be sent from Salma ( Please ensure that this email is not blocked from your site.
Each weekly session includes:
1. Announcements and roll- call.
- Purpose of this is to officially collect attendance names for
CME/CPD credits.
2. Didactic Presentation.
- Given by either a member of the inter-professional hub team
or guest speaker.
- A list of the weekly topics can be found under Curriculum
3. One patient case presented by a participating healthcare provider.
- The case presenter summarizes the patient case.
- Participants are invited to ask the case presenter any clarifying
- Case recommendations are provided by the Hub team and
session participants.
ECHO sessions are interactive. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, participate in group discussions, and to present patient cases.
During the session:
• Mute your microphone at all times except when speaking.
• Keep your camera on and pointed at you or your team. Seeing each other helps to build the ECHO community.
• Do not share your screen.
• This is a safe learning environment. We encourage non-judgement of patients and other participants.
• Feel free to snack or eat your lunch!
NOTICE: In case of disruptive behaviour or non-collegial language during the weekly sessions, the participant will be contacted offline by a member of the hub team and will be coached on appropriate behavior and language. Project ECHO® Ontario reserves the right to withdraw a participant at any time if the issue remains unresolved.
Benefits to presenting a case include:
• Receiving support and specialist feedback for your patient cases.
• Increased satisfaction with ECHO
• A copy of all the recommendations discussed are first sent to case presenter and are then posted on the website.
• The purpose of patient cases is to collectively learn and support each other.
Once you are successfully registered into ECHO Care of the Elderly Curriculum, our Project Coordinator, Navena Lingum, will contact you with a list of dates & topics for you to select from to present a case.
A minimum of 80% attendance is required. We strongly recommended you attend as often as possible but we understand that you are busy.
During the roll-call, ECHO staff record your attendance each week. At the end of each cycle, ECHO staff collates your attendance; you will receive a certificate with your total CPD credits by email. This way, you do not need to keep track – we do this for you.
– We do not submit your credits to any college board.
– You can only receive credits if you are a registered ECHO Participant.
– The program has been accredited for 1 Mainpro+ credits for Family Physicians and 1 hours of Continuing Education for other health care professionals per hour (e.g. for a 1.5 hour session , you will receive 1.5 Mainpro+ credits).
The Hub team members are composed of professions involved in the treatment of the disease area, who provide different perspectives in caring for a patient.
Links to the weekly survey can be accessed via email (link sent after the session).
Surveys are mandatory.
We encourage you to complete the survey as we use this information to continuously improve the session and help us meet your needs. For example, we create our future didactic sessions based on the feedback in the survey. This is also a requirement for accreditation of the program.
All feedback is kept strictly confidential.