Additional Resources: Sleep Disorders
National Institutes of Health. Consensus Development Conference Statement. The Treatment of Sleep Disorders in Older People 8(3):1-22. 1990 –
US National Sleep Foundation – (sleep diary attached)
Canadian Sleep Society –
The Well, Centre for Effective Practice –
Sleepwell – -information on CBTi
Other Resources: CBT-i Coach (free app), The Insomnia Workbook, CBTi online ($): Sleepio, SHUTi, Go! To Sleep
Patient Education Handouts:
Fetveit A. Late-life insomnia: a review. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2009;9(3):220–34. (request, or uoft). PMID: 19702931
Foley DJ, Monjan AA, Brown SL, et al. Sleep complaints among elderly persons: an epidemiologic study of three communities. Sleep 1995;18(6):425–32. PMID: 7481413
Ancoli-Israel S, Kripke DF. Prevalent sleep problems in the aged. Biofeedback Self Regul 1991;16(4):349–59. PMID: 1760457
Hening W, Walters AS, Allen AP, et al. Impact, diagnosis, and treatment of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in a primary care population: the REST (RLS epidemiology, symptoms, and treatment) primary care study. Sleep Med 2004;5:3–237. PMID: 15165529
Pollak CP, Perlick D. Sleep problems and institutionalization of the elderly. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol 1991;4:204–10. PMID: 1789908
de Almondes KM, Costa MV, Malloy-Diniz LF, Diniz BS. Insomnia and risk of dementia in older adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Psychiatr Res. 2016 Jun;77:109-115. PMID: 27017287
Morin CM, Belanger L, LeBlanc M, et al. Behavioural and pharmacological therapies for late-life insomnia: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 1999,281(11):991-9. PMID: 10086433
Sivertsen B, Omvik S, Pallesen S, et al. Cognitive behavioral therapy vs zopiclone for treatment of chronic primary insomnia in older adults. JAMA. 2006; 295:2851–2858. PMID: 16804151
Fouts, M., and Rachow, J. Choice of hypnotics in the elderly. P & T News. 1994;14(8):1–4
Dolder C, Nelson M, McKinsey J. Use of non-benzodiazepine hypnotics in the elderly: are all agents the same? CNS Drugs 2007;21(5):389–405. PMID: 17447827
Wurtman RJ, Zhdanova I. Improvement of sleep quality by melatonin. Lancet 1995;346(8988):1491. PMID: 7491013
Herring WJ, Connor KM, Ivgy-May N, et al. Suvorexant in patients with insomnia: results from two 3-month randomized clinical trials. Biol Psychiatry.2016;79(2):136–148. PMID: 25526970
Michelson D, Snyder D, Paradis E et al. Safety and efficacy of suvorexant during 1-year treatment of insomnia with subsequent abrupt treatment discontinuation: a phase 3 randomised, doubleblind, placebo-controlled trial. Lancet Neurol 2014;13:461-71. PMID: 24680372
Sarris J, Byrne GJ. A systematic review of insomnia and complementary medicine. Sleep Med Rev. 2011 Apr;15(2):99-106. PMID: 2096513