Search Knowledge Base by Keyword
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 3: Sleep Disorders
- Session 4: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 5: Advance Care Planning
- Session 6: Urinary Incontinence
- Session 7: Nutrition and Weight Loss
- Session 8: Polypharmacy
- Session 9: Frailty
- Session 10: Movement Disorders
- Session 11: Pain
- Session 12: Mood Disorders
- Session 13: Medical Cannabis Use in Older Adults
- Session 14: Driving and Dementia
- Session 15: Delirium
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Frailty
- Session 3: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 4: Advance Care Planning
- Session 5: Movement Disorders
- Session 6: Sleep Disorders
- Session 7: Falls and Bone Health
- Session 8: Nutrition & Weight Loss
- Session 9: Medical Cannabis
- Session 10: Urinary Incontinence
- Session 11: Polypharmacy
- Session 12: Delirium
- Session 13: Mood Disorders
- Session 14: Pain Management
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Frailty
- Session 3: Sleep Disorders
- Session 4: Delirium
- Session 5: Advance Care Planning
- Session 6: Pain Management
- Session 7: Polypharmacy
- Session 8: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 9: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 10: Driving & Dementia
- Session 11: Mood Disorders
- Session 12: Weight Loss & Appetite
- Session 13: Medical Cannabis
- Session 14: Incontinence
- Session 15: Movement Disorders
- Dec 2018 - Advanced Care Planning/Goals of Care
- Nov 2018 - Caregiver Stress & Compassion Fatigue
- Oct 2018 - Delirium
- Oct 2018 - Falls in Older Adults
- Nov 2018 - Frailty
- Nov 2018 - Mood Disorders
- Dec 2018 - Pain Management in Older Adult
- Oct 2018 - Polypharmacy
- Sept 2018 - Responsive Behaviours
- Oct 2018 - Sleep Disorders
- Session 1: Medical Cannabis
- Session 2: Driving & Dementia
- Session 3: Dementia
- Session 4: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 5: Incontinence
- Session 6: Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care
- Session 7: Polypharmacy
- Session 8: Sleep Disorders
- Session 9: Mood Disorders
- Session 10: Movement Disorders
- Session 11: Frailty
- Session 12: Pain
- Session 13: Delirium
- Session 14: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 3: Driving and Dementia
- Session 4: Medical Cannabis
- Session 5: Frailty
- Session 6: ACP and Goals of Care
- Session 7: Mood Disorders
- Session 8: Polypharmacy
- Session 9: Sleep Disorders
- Session 10: Elder Abuse
- Session 11: Movement Disorders
- Session 12: Pain
- Session 13: Sexuality
- Session 14: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 15: Incontinence
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Engaging Families In Care
- Session 3: Pain
- Session 4: Sexuality and Aging
- Session 5: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 6: Workplace Mental Health
- Session 7: Palliative Care
- Session 8: Depression
- Session 9: Diet and Nutrition
- Session 10: Sleep Disorders
- Session 11: Falls and Bone Health
- Session 12: Polypharmacy
- Session 13: Parkinson's Disease
- Session 14: Delirium
- Session 1: Dementia Screening, Assessment and Diagnosis
- Session 2: Sleep Disorders in Older Adults
- Session 3: Cannabis Use in Older Adults
- Session 4: Driving and Dementia
- Session 5: Polypharmacy
- Session 6: Advanced Care Plans (ACP) and Goals of Care
- Session 7: Sexuality in Older Adults
- Session 8: Responsive Behaviors in Dementia
- Session 9: Frailty
- Session 10: Movement Disorders
- Session 11: Managing Pain in the Older Adult
- Session 12: Caregiver Stress
- Session 13: Depression
- Session 14: Incontinence
- Session 15: Delirium
- Session 1: Dementia: Screening, Assessment and Diagnosis
- Session 2: Responsive Behaviours in Dementia
- Session 3: Psychosocial Care
- Session 4: Driving and Dementia
- Session 5: Subtypes of Dementia
- Session 6: Consent & Capacity
- Session 7: Depression & Delirium
- Session 8: Care Partner Perspective of Dementia Journey
- Session 10: Intimacy & Sexual Expressions
- Session 11: Advanced Care Planning
- Session 1: Responsive Behaviors in Dementia
- Session 2: Reducing Compassion Fatigue
- Session 3: Models of Care
- Session 4: Delirium
- Session 5: Engaging Families
- Session 6: Acute Changes
- Session 7: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
- Session 9: End of Life & Palliative Care
- Session 8: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 10: Sexuality, Intimacy & Dementia
- Advance care planning and palliative medicine in advanced dementia: a literature review
- Advance Care Planning in the Elderly
- Advance care planning: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials conducted with older adults
- Barriers to Advance Care Planning at the End of Life: An Explanatory Systematic Review of Implementation Studies
- Early Palliative Care for Patients with Metastatic Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer
- Illness trajectories and palliative care
- Patient Care Planning Discussions for Patients at the End of Life: An Evidence-Based Analysis
- Additional Resources
- False memories for end-of-life decisions
- The impact of advance care planning of place of death, a hospice retrospective cohort study
- What do Canadians think of advanced care planning- Findings from an online opinion poll
- Guiding a Goals of Care Discussion
- Additional Resources
- Advances in managing chronic disease. Research, performance measurement, and quality improvement are key
- Cannabinoids for treatment of chronic non-cancer pain; a systematic review of randomized trials
- Cervico-thoracic or lumbar sympathectomy for neuropathic pain and complex regional pain syndrome (Review)
- Complex regional pain syndrome: diagnosis and treatment
- Diagnosis and Management of Neuropathic Pain: A Balanced Approach to Treatment
- Management of chronic pain in older adults
- Managing chronic pain in elderly patients requires a CHANGE of approach
- Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons
- Prevalence and impact of pain among older adults in the United States: Findings from the 2011 National Health and Aging Trends Study
- The Abbey pain scale: a 1-minute numerical indicator for people with end-stage dementia
- The role of patient care teams in chronic disease management
- Validation of proposed diagnostic criteria (the “Budapest Criteria”) for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Development and psychometric evaluation of the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD) scale.
- Efficacy of treating pain to reduce behavioural disturbances in residents of nursing homes with dementia: cluster randomised clinical trial
- Pain assessment for people with dementia: a systematic review of systematic reviews of pain assessment tools
- Pain management in patients with dementia
- Guideline for opioid therapy and chronic noncancer pain
- Children's self-reports of pain intensity: scale selection, limitations and interpretation
- Assessment tools for problematic opioid use in palliative care: A scoping review
- The Role of Virtual Reality in Improving Health Outcomes for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Systematic Review
- The effectiveness, suitability, and sustainability of non-pharmacological methods of managing pain in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review
- Chronic Pain Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review
- Show all articles ( 8 ) Collapse Articles
- A multicomponent intervention to prevent delirium in hospitalized older patients.
- Clarifying confusion: the confusion assessment method. A new method for detection of delirium
- Delirium in elderly people.
- Delirium in Hospitalized Older Adults.
- Delirium in Older Persons: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment
- Detecting delirium among hospitalized older patients.
- Interventions for preventing delirium in older people in institutional long-term care (Review)
- Loud and Clear: Sensory Impairment, Delirium, and Functional Recovery in Critical Illness
- Melatonin decreases delirium in elderly patients: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial
- Prevention of delirium in hospitalized older patients: risk factors and targeted intervention strategies.
- Promoting vision and hearing aids use in an intensive care unit
- PHQ - 9 (The Patient Health Questionnaire)
- Additional Resources
- The delirium experience: what is the effect on patients, relatives and staff and what can be done to modify this?
- 6 Proven Strategies to Prevent Delirium in Older Adults
- COVID-19: ICU delirium management during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- Neural mechanisms of delirium: current hypotheses and evolving concepts
- Neurologic Features in Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- Non-pharmacological interventions for preventing delirium in hospitalised non-ICU patients
- Delirium pathophysiology - An updated hypothesis of the etiology of acute brain failure
- Prevalence for delirium in stroke patients: A prospective controlled study
- Echolalia
- Delirium in acute stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Cognitive Predictors of Delirium on Long-Term Follow-Up after TIA and Stroke: Population-Based Cohort Study
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- A 2 year multidomain intervention of diet, exercise, cognitive training, and vascular risk monitoring versus control to prevent cognitive decline in at-risk elderly people (FINGER): a randomised controlled trial
- Depression and risk for Alzheimer Disease: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Metaregression Analysis
- Diagnosis, Classification and Natural History of Degenerative Dementias
- Efficacy of Treating Pain to Reduce Behavioural Disturbances in Residents of Nursing Homes with Dementia - Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial
- Forecasting the global burden of Alzheimer's disease.
- Frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a consensus on clinical diagnostic criteria.
- Hypomanic episode improved spontaneously after isolated acute cerebellar infarct: a case report.
- Improving identification of cognitive impairment in primary care.
- Management of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
- Mid-life versus late-life depressive symptoms and risk of dementia: Differential effects for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
- Mood disorders after stroke and their relation to lesion location. A CT scan study.
- Persistent recurrence of hypomania and prosopoaffective agnosia in a patient with right thalamic infarct
- Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
- Position Statement of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Regarding Principles of Care for Patients With Dementia Resulting From Alzheimer Disease
- Predictors of the impact of nonpharmacologic interventions for agitation in nursing home residents with advanced dementia
- Progression of subcortical ischemic disease from vascular depression to vascular dementia.
- Progressively lowered stress threshold model - understanding behavioral symptoms of dementia
- Provisional diagnostic criteria for depression of Alzheimer disease.
- Quantifying the unmet needs of caregivers of people with dementia
- Screening for mild cognitive impairment: If not now, when?
- Secondary mania of vascular origin in elderly patients: a report of two clinical cases.
- Sensitivity of revised diagnostic criteria for the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia
- Signs and symptoms preceding the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic scoping review of literature from 1937 to 2016
- Summary of the evidence on modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia: A population-based perspective
- The association between mood and anxiety disorders with vascular diseases and risk factors in a nationally-representative sample
- The diagnosis of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease: Recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s disease
- When Dementia is in the House
- Which unmet needs contribute to behavior problems in persons with advanced dementia
- ‘Vitamin D and cognition in older adults’: updated international recommendations
- Folate, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 Intake and Mild Cognitive Impairment and Probable Dementia in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study
- Vitamin D, Cognition and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Therapeutic Benefit is in the D-Tails
- Vitamin B12 and Cognitive Function: An Evidence-Based Analysis
- Vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for dementia: a systematic review and metaanalysis
- Canadian Consensus Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (CCCDTD)5: Guidelines for management of vascular cognitive impairment
- CCCDTD5: Reducing the risk of later-life dementia. Evidence informing the Fifth Canadian Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (CCCDTD-5)
- Effect of Citalopram on Agitation in Alzheimer's Disease – The CitAD Randomized Controlled Trial
- Dementia incidence continues to increase with age in the oldest old: the 90+ study
- Frontotemporal dementia
- Evaluation of Suspected Dementia
- Recommendations of the 5th Canadian Consensus Conference on the diagnosis and treatment of dementia
- Additional Resources
- Which Risk Factors Causally Influence Dementia? A Systematic Review of Mendelian Randomization Studies
- Environmental risk factors for dementia: a systematic review
- Cognitive Reserve, Alzheimer's Neuropathology, and Risk of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Combining modifiable risk factors and risk of dementia- a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Show all articles ( 30 ) Collapse Articles
- Driving Status and Risk of Entry Into Long-Term Care in Older Adults.
- A Novel Low-Cost Solution for Driving Assessment in Individuals with and without Disabilities
- Additional Resources
- Driving Cessation and Health Outcomes in Older Adults
- Driving evaluation methods for able-bodied persons and individuals with lower extremity disabilities- a review of assessment modalities
- Driving Status and Risk of Entry Into Long-Term Care in Older Adults
- Driving with a neurodegenerative disorder: an overview of the current literature
- Effect of memantine on the progression of driving impairment in mild Alzheimer's disease
- How effective is the Trail Making Test (Parts A and B) in identifying cognitively impaired drivers?
- Longitudinal decline of driving safety in Parkinson disease
- Management of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
- Parkinson's Disease and Driving - Parkinson's Canada Form
- Practice parameter update- evaluation and management of driving risk in dementia- report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology
- Systematic Review of Driving Risk and the Efficacy of Compensatory Strategies in Persons with Dementia
- Update on the Risk of Motor Vehicle Collision or Driving Impairment with Dementia: A Collaborative International Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Cognitive Tests and Determining Fitness to Drive in Dementia: A Systematic Review
- Shifting gears versus sudden stops: qualitative study of consultations about driving in patients with cognitive impairment
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- A Public Health Approach to Fall Prevention among Older Persons in Canada
- Additional Resources
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the assessment and prevention of falls in Older People
- Effective Exercise for the Prevention of Falls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated meta-analysis and best practice recommendations
- Falls & Related Injuries among Older Canadians: Fall-related Hospitalizations & Prevention Initiatives
- Falls, Injuries due to Falls, and the Risk of Admission to a Nursing Home
- Falls: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Relationship to Fracture
- Hip protectors for preventing hip fractures in older people (Review)
- Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals (Review)
- Predictors and prognosis of inability to get up after falls among elderly persons
- Prospective Study of the Impact of Fear of Falling on Activities of Daily Living, SF-36 Scores, and Nursing Home Admission
- Public Health Agency of Canada: Report on Seniors' falls in Canada (2005)
- Public Health Agency of Canada: Seniors' Falls In Canada, 2nd Report
- Recent opioid use and fall-related injury among older patients with trauma
- Summary of the Updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention of Falls in Older Persons
- The Patient Who Falls: “It’s Always a Trade-off”
- The Timed "Up & Go": A Test of Basic Functional Mobility for Frail Elderly Persons
- Video capture of the circumstances of falls in elderly people residing in long-term care: an observational study
- What are the main risk factors for falls amongst older people and what are the most effective interventions to prevent these falls?
- A Model of BMD Changes After Alendronate Discontinuation to Guide Postalendronate BMD Monitoring
- BMD Changes and Predictors of Increased Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women After a 5-Year Course of Alendronate
- Effect of Bisphosphonate Use on Risk of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer: Results From the Randomized Clinical Trials of Alendronate and Zoledronic Acid
- Effects of continuing or stopping alendronate after 5 years of treatment - the Fracture Intervention Trial Long-term Extension (FLEX) - a randomized trial
- Efficacy of Continued Alendronate for Fractures in Women With and Without Prevalent Vertebral Fracture: The FLEX Trial
- Flex Trial or Horizon Trial related to biphosphonates trial or holiday
- Fracture Prediction After Discontinuation of 4 to 5 Years of Alendronate Therapy: The FLEX Study
- Managing Osteoporosis Patients after Long-Term Bisphosphonate Treatment: Report of a Task Force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
- Mineralization Density Distribution of Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Bone Is Restored to Normal After Long-Term Alendronate Treatment: qBEI and sSAXS Data From the Fracture Intervention Trial Long-Term Extension (FLEX)
- Randomized Trial of Effect of Alendronate Continuation Versus Discontinuation in Women With Low BMD: Results From the Fracture Intervention Trial Long-Term Extension
- Mortality, Independence in Living, and Re-fracture, One Year Following Hip Fracture in Canadians
- Recommendations for preventing fracture in long-term care
- Strategies to overcome barriers to implementing osteoporosis and fracture prevention guidelines in long-term care: a qualitative analysis of action plans suggested by front line staff in Ontario, Canada
- Successful knowledge translation intervention in long-term care: final results from the vitamin D and osteoporosis study (ViDOS) pilot cluster randomized controlled trial
- Survival and functional outcomes after hip fracture among nursing home residents
- The Cost of Injury in Canada - The clock is ticking...
- Show all articles ( 21 ) Collapse Articles
- A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people
- A simple frailty questionnaire (FRAIL) predicts outcomes in middle aged African Americans.
- A standard procedure for creating a frailty index.
- Association between frailty and delirium in older adult patients discharged from hospital
- Frailty and the Prediction of Negative Health Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis.
- Frailty in Older Adults: Evidence for a Phenotype
- Prevalence and 10-Year Outcomes of Frailty in Older Adults in Relation to Deficit Accumulation
- Risk factors for functional status decline in community-living elderly people: a systematic literature review.
- The effectiveness of a comprehensive geriatric assessment intervention program for frailty in community-dwelling older people: a randomized, controlled trial.
- The impact of frailty and delirium on mortality in older inpatients
- Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for community-dwelling, high-risk, frail, older people (Protocol)
- Frailty in elderly people
- Frailty in the critically ill: a novel concept
- Additional Resources
- Whey protein ingestion in elderly results in greater muscle protein accrual than ingestion of its constituent essential amino acid content
- Prevalence of and interventions for sarcopenia in ageing adults: a systematic review. Report of the International Sarcopenia Initiative (EWGSOP and IWGS).
- Clinical Frailty Scale
- Risk factors for death in adult COVID-19 patients: Frailty predicts fatal outcome in older patients
- Geriatric syndromes: clinical, research, and policy implications of a core geriatric concept
- Health outcome prioritization to elicit preferences of older persons with multiple health conditions
- Older age and frailty are the chief predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients admitted to an acute medical unit in a secondary care setting- a cohort study
- Association between anemia and frailty in 13,175 community-dwelling adults aged 50 years and older in China
- Hemoglobin concentration is associated with self-reported disability and reduced physical performance in a community dwelling population of nonagenarians: the Mugello Study
- Association Between Non-Iron-Deficient Anemia and Insomnia Symptoms in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
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- 2012 Update: Guidelines for Adult Urinary Incontinence Collaborative Consensus Document for the Canadian Urological Association
- Additional Resources
- Appropriateness of oral drugs for long-term treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in older persons: results of a systematic literature review and international consensus validation process (LUTS-FORTA 2014)
- AUA White Paper on Nonneurogenic Chronic Urinary Retention: Consensus Definition, Treatment Algorithm, and Outcome End Points.
- Development of a core set of outcome measures for OAB treatment
- Diagnosis and treatment of overactive bladder (non-neurogenic) in adults: AUA/SUFU guideline.
- Flexible-Dose Fesoterodine in Elderly Adults with Overactive Bladder: Results of the Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled Study of Fesoterodine in an Aging Population Trial
- Persistence and adherence with the new beta-3 receptor agonist, mirabegron, versus antimuscarinics in overactive bladder: Early experience in Canada
- The Association Between Anticholinergic Medication Burden and Health Related Outcomes in the ‘Oldest Old’
- The efficacy and tolerability of the Beta 3-adrenoceptor agonist mirabegron for the treatment of symptoms of overactive bladder in older patients
- The neural control of micturition
- Urinary incontinence in frail elderly persons- Report from the 5th International Consultation on Incontinence
- Use of Bladder Antimuscarinics in Older Adults with Impaired Cognition
- Results after sacral nerve stimulation for chronic constipation.
- American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
- Anticholinergic Drug Use and Risk to Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with Questionable Cognitive Impairment
- Association of Anticholinergic Burden with Cognitive Impairment and Health Care Utilization Among a Diverse Ambulatory Older Adult Population
- Bladder antimuscarinics and cognitive decline in elderly patients
- Consensus validation of the FORTA (Fit fOR The Aged) List- a clinical tool for increasing the appropriateness of pharmacotherapy in the elderly
- Cumulative use of strong anticholinergics and incident dementia- a prospective cohort study
- How to Use the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers Criteria
- Show all articles ( 6 ) Collapse Articles
- Additional Resources
- Clinical Evidence for Utilizing Cannabinoids in the Elderly
- Effect of Risperidone for the Treatment of Nightmares in Veterans with PTSD
- Medical Marijuana Use in Older Adults
- Position Paper for the Treatment of Nightmare Disorder in Adults: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Position Paper
- Simplified guideline for prescribing medical cannabinoids in primary care
- Systematic review of systematic reviews for medical cannabinoids
- Systematic review: Efficacy and safety of medical marijuana in selected neurologic disorders
- The Use of a Synthetic Cannabinoid in the Management of Treatment-Resistant Nightmares in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Trial of Prazosin for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans
- The influence of cannabinoids on generic traits of neurodegeneration
- Marijuana Use Among Adults 50 Years or Older in the 21st Century
- Topical Medical Cannabis: A New Treatment for Wound Pain-Three Cases of Pyoderma Gangrenosum
- Topical cannabis-based medicines – A novel paradigm and treatment for non-uremic calciphylaxis leg ulcers: An open label trial
- Characteristics and Patterns of Marijuana Use in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) 2016 Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Section 3. Pharmacological Treatments
- Comorbid anxiety disorders in late-life depression: results of a cohort study.
- Comparison of diagnostic performance of Two-Question Screen and 15 depression screening instruments for older adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Depression among older adults: A 20 year update on give common myths and misconceptions
- Depression and risk for Alzheimer Disease: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Metaregression Analysis
- Depression in the elderly
- Depressive Disorders and Symptoms in Older Primary Care Patients: One Year Outcomes
- Executive dysfunction and treatment response in late-life depression
- Exercise for depression
- Late life depression: a comparison of risk factors and symptoms according to age of onset in community dwelling older adults
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Predictors of Treatment Response in Late-Life Depression
- Managing depression in older age: psychological interventions
- Mid-life versus late-life depressive symptoms and risk of dementia: Differential effects for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
- Phenomenology of depression in older compared with younger adults: meta-analysis.
- Progression of subcortical ischemic disease from vascular depression to vascular dementia.
- Provisional diagnostic criteria for depression of Alzheimer disease.
- Risk factors for late-onset generalized anxiety disorder: results from a 12-year prospective cohort (the ESPRIT study).
- The prognosis of depression in older patients in general practice and the community. A systematic review.
- Age differences in the prevalence and co-morbidity of DSM-IV major depressive episodes: Results from the WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative
- Additional Resources
- Sertraline and Mirtazapine Versus Placebo in Subgroups of Depression in Dementia: Findings From the HTA-SADD Randomized Controlled Trial
- Impact of SSRI Therapy on Risk of Conversion From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Dementia in Individuals With Previous Depression
- Music-based therapeutic interventions for people with dementia
- Non-pharmacological Approaches to Depressed Elderly with No or Mild Cognitive Impairment in Long-Term Care Facilities. A Systematic Review of the Literature
- The Effectiveness of Reminiscence Therapy on Alleviating Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults: A Systematic Review
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- 2015 Update on Parkinson disease
- Additional Resources
- Canadian Guidelines on Parkinson’s Disease
- Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Randomized Study of Continuous Intrajejunal Infusion of Levodopa-Carbidopa Intestinal Gel in Advanced Parkinson's Disease
- Feeding Choices for People with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
- Parkinson’s disease dementia: a neural networks perspective
- Parkinson’s disease: clinical features and diagnosis
- Parkinson’s Disease: From Pathogenesis to Pharmacogenomics
- Physical therapist interventions for Parkinson disease.
- Progressive resistance training in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Systematic review on strength training in Parkinson’s disease: an unsolved question
- The hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease
- The Movement Disorder Society Evidence-Based Medicine Review Update: Treatments for the Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
- Treadmill training for patients with Parkinson’s disease (Review)
- Treatment of Cognitive, Psychiatric, and Affective Disorders Associated with Parkinson’s Disease
- Collective physician perspectives on non-oral medication approaches for the management of clinically relevant unresolved issues in Parkinson's disease
- Practice guideline update summary- Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, adult spasticity, and headache
- Parkinson’s disease in the older patient
- Show all articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- Mortality, Independence in Living, and Re-fracture, One Year Following Hip Fracture in Canadians
- Recommendations for preventing fracture in long-term care
- Strategies to overcome barriers to implementing osteoporosis and fracture prevention guidelines in long-term care: a qualitative analysis of action plans suggested by front line staff in Ontario, Canada
- Successful knowledge translation intervention in long-term care: final results from the vitamin D and osteoporosis study (ViDOS) pilot cluster randomized controlled trial
- Survival and functional outcomes after hip fracture among nursing home residents
- Additional Resources
- American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
- American Geriatrics Society Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
- Consensus validation of the FORTA (Fit fOR The Aged) List- a clinical tool for increasing the appropriateness of pharmacotherapy in the elderly
- Deciding when to stop: towards evidence-based deprescribing of drugs in older populations
- Feasibility Study of a Systematic Approach for Discontinuation of Multiple Medications in Older Adults
- How to Use the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers Criteria
- Individualizing prevention for older adults
- Interventions that can Reduce Inappropriate Prescribing in the Elderly - A Systematic Review
- Polypharmacy in the elderly: a fait accompli?
- Reducing the Risk of Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults
- The war against polypharmacy: a new cost effective geriatric-palliative approach for improving drug therapy in disabled elderly people
- STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Persons’ potentially inappropriate Prescriptions): application to acutely ill elderly patients and comparison with Beers’ criteria
- A systematic review of the evidence for deprescribing interventions among older people living with frailty
- Additional Resources
- Assessment and management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
- Effect of Citalopram on Agitation in Alzheimer's Disease – The CitAD Randomized Controlled Trial
- Efficacy of nonpharmacologic interventions for agitation in advanced dementia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
- Predictors of the impact of nonpharmacologic interventions for agitation in nursing home residents with advanced dementia.
- Progressively Lowered Stress Threshold Model: Understanding Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia
- Quantifying the unmet needs of caregivers of people with dementia: a critical review of the quality of measures
- Which unmet needs contribute to behavior problems in persons with advanced dementia?
- Escitalopram versus risperidone for the treatment of behavioral and psychotic symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease: a randomized double-blind pilot study.
- Reduction of the Anticholinergic Burden Makes It Possible to Decrease Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.
- Efficacy of treating pain to reduce behavioural disturbances in residents of nursing homes with dementia: cluster randomised clinical trial
- Acupuncture for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Acupuncture for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: An Overview of Systematic Reviews
- Effectiveness and Safety of Aromatherapy in Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review
- Herbal Medicine for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Can sleep quality and wellbeing be improved by changing the indoor lighting in the homes of healthy, elderly citizens?
- Narcolepsy - Review Article
- Pharmacotherapies for sleep disturbances in dementia (Review)
- Age-related changes of circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles
- Association between difficulty initiating sleep in older adults and the combination of leisure-time physical activity and consumption of milk and milk products: a cross-sectional study.
- Effectiveness of melatonin treatment on circadian rhythm disturbances in dementia
- Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality
- Insights into REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Pathophysiology in Brainstem-Predominant Lewy Body Disease
- Melatonin decreases delirium in elderly patients- a randomized placebo-controlled trial
- Music for insomnia in adults
- Sleep Pathologies in Depression and the Clinical Utility of Polysomnography
- Sleep Problems in the Elderly
- Winter is coming- nightmares and sleep problems during seasonal affective disorder
- Additional Resources
- Treatment of sleep disorders in dementia
- Amyloid-beta dynamics are regulated by orexin and the sleep-wake cycle
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Older Veterans Using Nonclinician Sleep Coaches: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Dismantling multicomponent behavioral treatment for insomnia in older adults: a randomized controlled trial
- Duration and quality of sleep among Canadians aged 18 to 79
- Efficacy of brief behavioral treatment for chronic insomnia in older adults
- Insomnia (primary) in older people
- Insomnia in the Elderly: A Review
- Optimizing sleep in older adults: treating insomnia
- The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial
- Sensory Stimulation for Nursing-Home Residents: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Its Effects on Sleep Quality and Rest-Activity Rhythm in Dementia
- Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality in Caregivers of Patients With Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Sleep Quality and Aging: A Systematic Review on Healthy Older People, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Additional Resources
- Interventions for reducing benzodiazepine use in older people: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
- Minimal interventions to decrease long-term use of benzodiazepines in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Screening for alcohol use and misuse in older adults: using the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test--Geriatric Version.
- Treatment of Benzodiazepine Dependence
- Additional Resources
- Ageing Is Associated with Decreases in Appetite and Energy Intake—A Meta-Analysis in Healthy Adults
- Short Sleep Duration and Dietary Intake: Epidemiologic Evidence, Mechanisms, and Health Implications
- Unintentional Weight Loss in Older Adults
- An Approach to the Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Management of Unintentional Weight Loss Among Older Adults
- Anorexia of ageing: a key component in the pathogenesis of both sarcopenia and cachexia
- Mechanisms of the anorexia of aging—a review
- Whey protein ingestion in elderly results in greater muscle protein accrual than ingestion of its constituent essential amino acid content
- Articles coming soon
- Abbey Pain Scale for Dementia Patients
- Additional Resources
- Cognigram
- Dementia Observational System (DOS) Tool
- Lawton –Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL)
- MoCA Test
- Recommendations on screening for cognitive impairment in older adults.
- The GPCOG: a new screening test for dementia designed for general practice.
- The Abbey pain scale: a 1-minute numerical indicator for people with end-stage dementia
- ABC Dementia Scale: A Quick Assessment Tool for Determining Alzheimer’s Disease Severity
- Articles coming soon
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Practice guideline update summary- Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, adult spasticity, and headache
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- Practice guideline update summary- Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, adult spasticity, and headache
Simpson DM1, Hallett M1, Ashman EJ1, Comella CL1, Green MW1, Gronseth GS1, Armstrong MJ1, Gloss D1, Potrebic S1, Jankovic J1, Karp BP1, Naumann M1, So YT1, Yablon SA1.
To update the 2008 American Academy of Neurology (AAN) guidelines regarding botulinum neurotoxin for blepharospasm, cervical dystonia (CD), headache, and adult spasticity.
We searched the literature for relevant articles and classified them using 2004 AAN criteria.
Blepharospasm: OnabotulinumtoxinA (onaBoNT-A) and incobotulinumtoxinA (incoBoNT-A) are probably effective and should be considered (Level B). AbobotulinumtoxinA (aboBoNT-A) is possibly effective and may be considered (Level C). CD: AboBoNT-A and rimabotulinumtoxinB (rimaBoNT-B) are established as effective and should be offered (Level A), and onaBoNT-A and incoBoNT-A are probably effective and should be considered (Level B). Adult spasticity: AboBoNT-A, incoBoNT-A, and onaBoNT-A are established as effective and should be offered (Level A), and rimaBoNT-B is probably effective and should be considered (Level B), for upper limb spasticity. AboBoNT-A and onaBoNT-A are established as effective and should be offered (Level A) for lower-limb spasticity. Headache: OnaBoNT-A is established as effective and should be offered to increase headache-free days (Level A) and is probably effective and should be considered to improve health-related quality of life (Level B) in chronic migraine. OnaBoNT-A is established as ineffective and should not be offered for episodic migraine (Level A) and is probably ineffective for chronic tension-type headaches (Level B).
Resource: Neurology. 2016 May 10;86(19):1818-26.
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 3: Sleep Disorders
- Session 4: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 5: Advance Care Planning
- Session 6: Urinary Incontinence
- Session 7: Nutrition and Weight Loss
- Session 8: Polypharmacy
- Session 9: Frailty
- Session 10: Movement Disorders
- Session 11: Pain
- Session 12: Mood Disorders
- Session 13: Medical Cannabis Use in Older Adults
- Session 14: Driving and Dementia
- Session 15: Delirium
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Frailty
- Session 3: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 4: Advance Care Planning
- Session 5: Movement Disorders
- Session 6: Sleep Disorders
- Session 7: Falls and Bone Health
- Session 8: Nutrition & Weight Loss
- Session 9: Medical Cannabis
- Session 10: Urinary Incontinence
- Session 11: Polypharmacy
- Session 12: Delirium
- Session 13: Mood Disorders
- Session 14: Pain Management
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Frailty
- Session 3: Sleep Disorders
- Session 4: Delirium
- Session 5: Advance Care Planning
- Session 6: Pain Management
- Session 7: Polypharmacy
- Session 8: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 9: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 10: Driving & Dementia
- Session 11: Mood Disorders
- Session 12: Weight Loss & Appetite
- Session 13: Medical Cannabis
- Session 14: Incontinence
- Session 15: Movement Disorders
- Dec 2018 - Advanced Care Planning/Goals of Care
- Nov 2018 - Caregiver Stress & Compassion Fatigue
- Oct 2018 - Delirium
- Oct 2018 - Falls in Older Adults
- Nov 2018 - Frailty
- Nov 2018 - Mood Disorders
- Dec 2018 - Pain Management in Older Adult
- Oct 2018 - Polypharmacy
- Sept 2018 - Responsive Behaviours
- Oct 2018 - Sleep Disorders
- Session 1: Medical Cannabis
- Session 2: Driving & Dementia
- Session 3: Dementia
- Session 4: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 5: Incontinence
- Session 6: Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care
- Session 7: Polypharmacy
- Session 8: Sleep Disorders
- Session 9: Mood Disorders
- Session 10: Movement Disorders
- Session 11: Frailty
- Session 12: Pain
- Session 13: Delirium
- Session 14: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 3: Driving and Dementia
- Session 4: Medical Cannabis
- Session 5: Frailty
- Session 6: ACP and Goals of Care
- Session 7: Mood Disorders
- Session 8: Polypharmacy
- Session 9: Sleep Disorders
- Session 10: Elder Abuse
- Session 11: Movement Disorders
- Session 12: Pain
- Session 13: Sexuality
- Session 14: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 15: Incontinence
- Session 1: Dementia
- Session 2: Engaging Families In Care
- Session 3: Pain
- Session 4: Sexuality and Aging
- Session 5: Responsive Behaviours
- Session 6: Workplace Mental Health
- Session 7: Palliative Care
- Session 8: Depression
- Session 9: Diet and Nutrition
- Session 10: Sleep Disorders
- Session 11: Falls and Bone Health
- Session 12: Polypharmacy
- Session 13: Parkinson's Disease
- Session 14: Delirium
- Session 1: Dementia Screening, Assessment and Diagnosis
- Session 2: Sleep Disorders in Older Adults
- Session 3: Cannabis Use in Older Adults
- Session 4: Driving and Dementia
- Session 5: Polypharmacy
- Session 6: Advanced Care Plans (ACP) and Goals of Care
- Session 7: Sexuality in Older Adults
- Session 8: Responsive Behaviors in Dementia
- Session 9: Frailty
- Session 10: Movement Disorders
- Session 11: Managing Pain in the Older Adult
- Session 12: Caregiver Stress
- Session 13: Depression
- Session 14: Incontinence
- Session 15: Delirium
- Session 1: Dementia: Screening, Assessment and Diagnosis
- Session 2: Responsive Behaviours in Dementia
- Session 3: Psychosocial Care
- Session 4: Driving and Dementia
- Session 5: Subtypes of Dementia
- Session 6: Consent & Capacity
- Session 7: Depression & Delirium
- Session 8: Care Partner Perspective of Dementia Journey
- Session 10: Intimacy & Sexual Expressions
- Session 11: Advanced Care Planning
- Session 1: Responsive Behaviors in Dementia
- Session 2: Reducing Compassion Fatigue
- Session 3: Models of Care
- Session 4: Delirium
- Session 5: Engaging Families
- Session 6: Acute Changes
- Session 7: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
- Session 9: End of Life & Palliative Care
- Session 8: Falls & Bone Health
- Session 10: Sexuality, Intimacy & Dementia
- Advance care planning and palliative medicine in advanced dementia: a literature review
- Advance Care Planning in the Elderly
- Advance care planning: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials conducted with older adults
- Barriers to Advance Care Planning at the End of Life: An Explanatory Systematic Review of Implementation Studies
- Early Palliative Care for Patients with Metastatic Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer
- Illness trajectories and palliative care
- Patient Care Planning Discussions for Patients at the End of Life: An Evidence-Based Analysis
- Additional Resources
- False memories for end-of-life decisions
- The impact of advance care planning of place of death, a hospice retrospective cohort study
- What do Canadians think of advanced care planning- Findings from an online opinion poll
- Guiding a Goals of Care Discussion
- Additional Resources
- Advances in managing chronic disease. Research, performance measurement, and quality improvement are key
- Cannabinoids for treatment of chronic non-cancer pain; a systematic review of randomized trials
- Cervico-thoracic or lumbar sympathectomy for neuropathic pain and complex regional pain syndrome (Review)
- Complex regional pain syndrome: diagnosis and treatment
- Diagnosis and Management of Neuropathic Pain: A Balanced Approach to Treatment
- Management of chronic pain in older adults
- Managing chronic pain in elderly patients requires a CHANGE of approach
- Pharmacological Management of Persistent Pain in Older Persons
- Prevalence and impact of pain among older adults in the United States: Findings from the 2011 National Health and Aging Trends Study
- The Abbey pain scale: a 1-minute numerical indicator for people with end-stage dementia
- The role of patient care teams in chronic disease management
- Validation of proposed diagnostic criteria (the “Budapest Criteria”) for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
- Development and psychometric evaluation of the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD) scale.
- Efficacy of treating pain to reduce behavioural disturbances in residents of nursing homes with dementia: cluster randomised clinical trial
- Pain assessment for people with dementia: a systematic review of systematic reviews of pain assessment tools
- Pain management in patients with dementia
- Guideline for opioid therapy and chronic noncancer pain
- Children's self-reports of pain intensity: scale selection, limitations and interpretation
- Assessment tools for problematic opioid use in palliative care: A scoping review
- The Role of Virtual Reality in Improving Health Outcomes for Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Systematic Review
- The effectiveness, suitability, and sustainability of non-pharmacological methods of managing pain in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review
- Chronic Pain Management during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review
- Show all articles ( 8 ) Collapse Articles
- A multicomponent intervention to prevent delirium in hospitalized older patients.
- Clarifying confusion: the confusion assessment method. A new method for detection of delirium
- Delirium in elderly people.
- Delirium in Hospitalized Older Adults.
- Delirium in Older Persons: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment
- Detecting delirium among hospitalized older patients.
- Interventions for preventing delirium in older people in institutional long-term care (Review)
- Loud and Clear: Sensory Impairment, Delirium, and Functional Recovery in Critical Illness
- Melatonin decreases delirium in elderly patients: A randomized, placebo-controlled trial
- Prevention of delirium in hospitalized older patients: risk factors and targeted intervention strategies.
- Promoting vision and hearing aids use in an intensive care unit
- PHQ - 9 (The Patient Health Questionnaire)
- Additional Resources
- The delirium experience: what is the effect on patients, relatives and staff and what can be done to modify this?
- 6 Proven Strategies to Prevent Delirium in Older Adults
- COVID-19: ICU delirium management during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
- Neural mechanisms of delirium: current hypotheses and evolving concepts
- Neurologic Features in Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- Non-pharmacological interventions for preventing delirium in hospitalised non-ICU patients
- Delirium pathophysiology - An updated hypothesis of the etiology of acute brain failure
- Prevalence for delirium in stroke patients: A prospective controlled study
- Echolalia
- Delirium in acute stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Cognitive Predictors of Delirium on Long-Term Follow-Up after TIA and Stroke: Population-Based Cohort Study
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- A 2 year multidomain intervention of diet, exercise, cognitive training, and vascular risk monitoring versus control to prevent cognitive decline in at-risk elderly people (FINGER): a randomised controlled trial
- Depression and risk for Alzheimer Disease: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Metaregression Analysis
- Diagnosis, Classification and Natural History of Degenerative Dementias
- Efficacy of Treating Pain to Reduce Behavioural Disturbances in Residents of Nursing Homes with Dementia - Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial
- Forecasting the global burden of Alzheimer's disease.
- Frontotemporal lobar degeneration: a consensus on clinical diagnostic criteria.
- Hypomanic episode improved spontaneously after isolated acute cerebellar infarct: a case report.
- Improving identification of cognitive impairment in primary care.
- Management of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
- Mid-life versus late-life depressive symptoms and risk of dementia: Differential effects for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
- Mood disorders after stroke and their relation to lesion location. A CT scan study.
- Persistent recurrence of hypomania and prosopoaffective agnosia in a patient with right thalamic infarct
- Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
- Position Statement of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry Regarding Principles of Care for Patients With Dementia Resulting From Alzheimer Disease
- Predictors of the impact of nonpharmacologic interventions for agitation in nursing home residents with advanced dementia
- Progression of subcortical ischemic disease from vascular depression to vascular dementia.
- Progressively lowered stress threshold model - understanding behavioral symptoms of dementia
- Provisional diagnostic criteria for depression of Alzheimer disease.
- Quantifying the unmet needs of caregivers of people with dementia
- Screening for mild cognitive impairment: If not now, when?
- Secondary mania of vascular origin in elderly patients: a report of two clinical cases.
- Sensitivity of revised diagnostic criteria for the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia
- Signs and symptoms preceding the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: a systematic scoping review of literature from 1937 to 2016
- Summary of the evidence on modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia: A population-based perspective
- The association between mood and anxiety disorders with vascular diseases and risk factors in a nationally-representative sample
- The diagnosis of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease: Recommendations from the National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer’s Association workgroups on diagnostic guidelines for Alzheimer’s disease
- When Dementia is in the House
- Which unmet needs contribute to behavior problems in persons with advanced dementia
- ‘Vitamin D and cognition in older adults’: updated international recommendations
- Folate, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 Intake and Mild Cognitive Impairment and Probable Dementia in the Women’s Health Initiative Memory Study
- Vitamin D, Cognition and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Therapeutic Benefit is in the D-Tails
- Vitamin B12 and Cognitive Function: An Evidence-Based Analysis
- Vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for dementia: a systematic review and metaanalysis
- Canadian Consensus Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (CCCDTD)5: Guidelines for management of vascular cognitive impairment
- CCCDTD5: Reducing the risk of later-life dementia. Evidence informing the Fifth Canadian Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia (CCCDTD-5)
- Effect of Citalopram on Agitation in Alzheimer's Disease – The CitAD Randomized Controlled Trial
- Dementia incidence continues to increase with age in the oldest old: the 90+ study
- Frontotemporal dementia
- Evaluation of Suspected Dementia
- Recommendations of the 5th Canadian Consensus Conference on the diagnosis and treatment of dementia
- Additional Resources
- Which Risk Factors Causally Influence Dementia? A Systematic Review of Mendelian Randomization Studies
- Environmental risk factors for dementia: a systematic review
- Cognitive Reserve, Alzheimer's Neuropathology, and Risk of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Combining modifiable risk factors and risk of dementia- a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Show all articles ( 30 ) Collapse Articles
- Driving Status and Risk of Entry Into Long-Term Care in Older Adults.
- A Novel Low-Cost Solution for Driving Assessment in Individuals with and without Disabilities
- Additional Resources
- Driving Cessation and Health Outcomes in Older Adults
- Driving evaluation methods for able-bodied persons and individuals with lower extremity disabilities- a review of assessment modalities
- Driving Status and Risk of Entry Into Long-Term Care in Older Adults
- Driving with a neurodegenerative disorder: an overview of the current literature
- Effect of memantine on the progression of driving impairment in mild Alzheimer's disease
- How effective is the Trail Making Test (Parts A and B) in identifying cognitively impaired drivers?
- Longitudinal decline of driving safety in Parkinson disease
- Management of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease and dementia
- Parkinson's Disease and Driving - Parkinson's Canada Form
- Practice parameter update- evaluation and management of driving risk in dementia- report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology
- Systematic Review of Driving Risk and the Efficacy of Compensatory Strategies in Persons with Dementia
- Update on the Risk of Motor Vehicle Collision or Driving Impairment with Dementia: A Collaborative International Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Cognitive Tests and Determining Fitness to Drive in Dementia: A Systematic Review
- Shifting gears versus sudden stops: qualitative study of consultations about driving in patients with cognitive impairment
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- A Public Health Approach to Fall Prevention among Older Persons in Canada
- Additional Resources
- Clinical Practice Guidelines for the assessment and prevention of falls in Older People
- Effective Exercise for the Prevention of Falls: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Exercise to prevent falls in older adults: an updated meta-analysis and best practice recommendations
- Falls & Related Injuries among Older Canadians: Fall-related Hospitalizations & Prevention Initiatives
- Falls, Injuries due to Falls, and the Risk of Admission to a Nursing Home
- Falls: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Relationship to Fracture
- Hip protectors for preventing hip fractures in older people (Review)
- Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals (Review)
- Predictors and prognosis of inability to get up after falls among elderly persons
- Prospective Study of the Impact of Fear of Falling on Activities of Daily Living, SF-36 Scores, and Nursing Home Admission
- Public Health Agency of Canada: Report on Seniors' falls in Canada (2005)
- Public Health Agency of Canada: Seniors' Falls In Canada, 2nd Report
- Recent opioid use and fall-related injury among older patients with trauma
- Summary of the Updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention of Falls in Older Persons
- The Patient Who Falls: “It’s Always a Trade-off”
- The Timed "Up & Go": A Test of Basic Functional Mobility for Frail Elderly Persons
- Video capture of the circumstances of falls in elderly people residing in long-term care: an observational study
- What are the main risk factors for falls amongst older people and what are the most effective interventions to prevent these falls?
- A Model of BMD Changes After Alendronate Discontinuation to Guide Postalendronate BMD Monitoring
- BMD Changes and Predictors of Increased Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women After a 5-Year Course of Alendronate
- Effect of Bisphosphonate Use on Risk of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer: Results From the Randomized Clinical Trials of Alendronate and Zoledronic Acid
- Effects of continuing or stopping alendronate after 5 years of treatment - the Fracture Intervention Trial Long-term Extension (FLEX) - a randomized trial
- Efficacy of Continued Alendronate for Fractures in Women With and Without Prevalent Vertebral Fracture: The FLEX Trial
- Flex Trial or Horizon Trial related to biphosphonates trial or holiday
- Fracture Prediction After Discontinuation of 4 to 5 Years of Alendronate Therapy: The FLEX Study
- Managing Osteoporosis Patients after Long-Term Bisphosphonate Treatment: Report of a Task Force of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
- Mineralization Density Distribution of Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Bone Is Restored to Normal After Long-Term Alendronate Treatment: qBEI and sSAXS Data From the Fracture Intervention Trial Long-Term Extension (FLEX)
- Randomized Trial of Effect of Alendronate Continuation Versus Discontinuation in Women With Low BMD: Results From the Fracture Intervention Trial Long-Term Extension
- Mortality, Independence in Living, and Re-fracture, One Year Following Hip Fracture in Canadians
- Recommendations for preventing fracture in long-term care
- Strategies to overcome barriers to implementing osteoporosis and fracture prevention guidelines in long-term care: a qualitative analysis of action plans suggested by front line staff in Ontario, Canada
- Successful knowledge translation intervention in long-term care: final results from the vitamin D and osteoporosis study (ViDOS) pilot cluster randomized controlled trial
- Survival and functional outcomes after hip fracture among nursing home residents
- The Cost of Injury in Canada - The clock is ticking...
- Show all articles ( 21 ) Collapse Articles
- A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people
- A simple frailty questionnaire (FRAIL) predicts outcomes in middle aged African Americans.
- A standard procedure for creating a frailty index.
- Association between frailty and delirium in older adult patients discharged from hospital
- Frailty and the Prediction of Negative Health Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis.
- Frailty in Older Adults: Evidence for a Phenotype
- Prevalence and 10-Year Outcomes of Frailty in Older Adults in Relation to Deficit Accumulation
- Risk factors for functional status decline in community-living elderly people: a systematic literature review.
- The effectiveness of a comprehensive geriatric assessment intervention program for frailty in community-dwelling older people: a randomized, controlled trial.
- The impact of frailty and delirium on mortality in older inpatients
- Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment for community-dwelling, high-risk, frail, older people (Protocol)
- Frailty in elderly people
- Frailty in the critically ill: a novel concept
- Additional Resources
- Whey protein ingestion in elderly results in greater muscle protein accrual than ingestion of its constituent essential amino acid content
- Prevalence of and interventions for sarcopenia in ageing adults: a systematic review. Report of the International Sarcopenia Initiative (EWGSOP and IWGS).
- Clinical Frailty Scale
- Risk factors for death in adult COVID-19 patients: Frailty predicts fatal outcome in older patients
- Geriatric syndromes: clinical, research, and policy implications of a core geriatric concept
- Health outcome prioritization to elicit preferences of older persons with multiple health conditions
- Older age and frailty are the chief predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients admitted to an acute medical unit in a secondary care setting- a cohort study
- Association between anemia and frailty in 13,175 community-dwelling adults aged 50 years and older in China
- Hemoglobin concentration is associated with self-reported disability and reduced physical performance in a community dwelling population of nonagenarians: the Mugello Study
- Association Between Non-Iron-Deficient Anemia and Insomnia Symptoms in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: The Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- 2012 Update: Guidelines for Adult Urinary Incontinence Collaborative Consensus Document for the Canadian Urological Association
- Additional Resources
- Appropriateness of oral drugs for long-term treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in older persons: results of a systematic literature review and international consensus validation process (LUTS-FORTA 2014)
- AUA White Paper on Nonneurogenic Chronic Urinary Retention: Consensus Definition, Treatment Algorithm, and Outcome End Points.
- Development of a core set of outcome measures for OAB treatment
- Diagnosis and treatment of overactive bladder (non-neurogenic) in adults: AUA/SUFU guideline.
- Flexible-Dose Fesoterodine in Elderly Adults with Overactive Bladder: Results of the Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled Study of Fesoterodine in an Aging Population Trial
- Persistence and adherence with the new beta-3 receptor agonist, mirabegron, versus antimuscarinics in overactive bladder: Early experience in Canada
- The Association Between Anticholinergic Medication Burden and Health Related Outcomes in the ‘Oldest Old’
- The efficacy and tolerability of the Beta 3-adrenoceptor agonist mirabegron for the treatment of symptoms of overactive bladder in older patients
- The neural control of micturition
- Urinary incontinence in frail elderly persons- Report from the 5th International Consultation on Incontinence
- Use of Bladder Antimuscarinics in Older Adults with Impaired Cognition
- Results after sacral nerve stimulation for chronic constipation.
- American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
- Anticholinergic Drug Use and Risk to Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with Questionable Cognitive Impairment
- Association of Anticholinergic Burden with Cognitive Impairment and Health Care Utilization Among a Diverse Ambulatory Older Adult Population
- Bladder antimuscarinics and cognitive decline in elderly patients
- Consensus validation of the FORTA (Fit fOR The Aged) List- a clinical tool for increasing the appropriateness of pharmacotherapy in the elderly
- Cumulative use of strong anticholinergics and incident dementia- a prospective cohort study
- How to Use the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers Criteria
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- Additional Resources
- Clinical Evidence for Utilizing Cannabinoids in the Elderly
- Effect of Risperidone for the Treatment of Nightmares in Veterans with PTSD
- Medical Marijuana Use in Older Adults
- Position Paper for the Treatment of Nightmare Disorder in Adults: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Position Paper
- Simplified guideline for prescribing medical cannabinoids in primary care
- Systematic review of systematic reviews for medical cannabinoids
- Systematic review: Efficacy and safety of medical marijuana in selected neurologic disorders
- The Use of a Synthetic Cannabinoid in the Management of Treatment-Resistant Nightmares in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Trial of Prazosin for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans
- The influence of cannabinoids on generic traits of neurodegeneration
- Marijuana Use Among Adults 50 Years or Older in the 21st Century
- Topical Medical Cannabis: A New Treatment for Wound Pain-Three Cases of Pyoderma Gangrenosum
- Topical cannabis-based medicines – A novel paradigm and treatment for non-uremic calciphylaxis leg ulcers: An open label trial
- Characteristics and Patterns of Marijuana Use in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
- Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) 2016 Clinical Guidelines for the Management of Adults with Major Depressive Disorder: Section 3. Pharmacological Treatments
- Comorbid anxiety disorders in late-life depression: results of a cohort study.
- Comparison of diagnostic performance of Two-Question Screen and 15 depression screening instruments for older adults: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Depression among older adults: A 20 year update on give common myths and misconceptions
- Depression and risk for Alzheimer Disease: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Metaregression Analysis
- Depression in the elderly
- Depressive Disorders and Symptoms in Older Primary Care Patients: One Year Outcomes
- Executive dysfunction and treatment response in late-life depression
- Exercise for depression
- Late life depression: a comparison of risk factors and symptoms according to age of onset in community dwelling older adults
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging Predictors of Treatment Response in Late-Life Depression
- Managing depression in older age: psychological interventions
- Mid-life versus late-life depressive symptoms and risk of dementia: Differential effects for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia
- Phenomenology of depression in older compared with younger adults: meta-analysis.
- Progression of subcortical ischemic disease from vascular depression to vascular dementia.
- Provisional diagnostic criteria for depression of Alzheimer disease.
- Risk factors for late-onset generalized anxiety disorder: results from a 12-year prospective cohort (the ESPRIT study).
- The prognosis of depression in older patients in general practice and the community. A systematic review.
- Age differences in the prevalence and co-morbidity of DSM-IV major depressive episodes: Results from the WHO World Mental Health Survey Initiative
- Additional Resources
- Sertraline and Mirtazapine Versus Placebo in Subgroups of Depression in Dementia: Findings From the HTA-SADD Randomized Controlled Trial
- Impact of SSRI Therapy on Risk of Conversion From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Dementia in Individuals With Previous Depression
- Music-based therapeutic interventions for people with dementia
- Non-pharmacological Approaches to Depressed Elderly with No or Mild Cognitive Impairment in Long-Term Care Facilities. A Systematic Review of the Literature
- The Effectiveness of Reminiscence Therapy on Alleviating Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults: A Systematic Review
- Show all articles ( 10 ) Collapse Articles
- 2015 Update on Parkinson disease
- Additional Resources
- Canadian Guidelines on Parkinson’s Disease
- Double-Blind, Double-Dummy, Randomized Study of Continuous Intrajejunal Infusion of Levodopa-Carbidopa Intestinal Gel in Advanced Parkinson's Disease
- Feeding Choices for People with Advanced Parkinson’s Disease
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review
- Parkinson’s disease dementia: a neural networks perspective
- Parkinson’s disease: clinical features and diagnosis
- Parkinson’s Disease: From Pathogenesis to Pharmacogenomics
- Physical therapist interventions for Parkinson disease.
- Progressive resistance training in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Systematic review on strength training in Parkinson’s disease: an unsolved question
- The hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease
- The Movement Disorder Society Evidence-Based Medicine Review Update: Treatments for the Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
- Treadmill training for patients with Parkinson’s disease (Review)
- Treatment of Cognitive, Psychiatric, and Affective Disorders Associated with Parkinson’s Disease
- Collective physician perspectives on non-oral medication approaches for the management of clinically relevant unresolved issues in Parkinson's disease
- Practice guideline update summary- Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, adult spasticity, and headache
- Parkinson’s disease in the older patient
- Show all articles ( 4 ) Collapse Articles
- Mortality, Independence in Living, and Re-fracture, One Year Following Hip Fracture in Canadians
- Recommendations for preventing fracture in long-term care
- Strategies to overcome barriers to implementing osteoporosis and fracture prevention guidelines in long-term care: a qualitative analysis of action plans suggested by front line staff in Ontario, Canada
- Successful knowledge translation intervention in long-term care: final results from the vitamin D and osteoporosis study (ViDOS) pilot cluster randomized controlled trial
- Survival and functional outcomes after hip fracture among nursing home residents
- Additional Resources
- American Geriatrics Society 2015 Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
- American Geriatrics Society Updated Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults
- Consensus validation of the FORTA (Fit fOR The Aged) List- a clinical tool for increasing the appropriateness of pharmacotherapy in the elderly
- Deciding when to stop: towards evidence-based deprescribing of drugs in older populations
- Feasibility Study of a Systematic Approach for Discontinuation of Multiple Medications in Older Adults
- How to Use the American Geriatrics Society 2015 Beers Criteria
- Individualizing prevention for older adults
- Interventions that can Reduce Inappropriate Prescribing in the Elderly - A Systematic Review
- Polypharmacy in the elderly: a fait accompli?
- Reducing the Risk of Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults
- The war against polypharmacy: a new cost effective geriatric-palliative approach for improving drug therapy in disabled elderly people
- STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Persons’ potentially inappropriate Prescriptions): application to acutely ill elderly patients and comparison with Beers’ criteria
- A systematic review of the evidence for deprescribing interventions among older people living with frailty
- Additional Resources
- Assessment and management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
- Effect of Citalopram on Agitation in Alzheimer's Disease – The CitAD Randomized Controlled Trial
- Efficacy of nonpharmacologic interventions for agitation in advanced dementia: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
- Predictors of the impact of nonpharmacologic interventions for agitation in nursing home residents with advanced dementia.
- Progressively Lowered Stress Threshold Model: Understanding Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia
- Quantifying the unmet needs of caregivers of people with dementia: a critical review of the quality of measures
- Which unmet needs contribute to behavior problems in persons with advanced dementia?
- Escitalopram versus risperidone for the treatment of behavioral and psychotic symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease: a randomized double-blind pilot study.
- Reduction of the Anticholinergic Burden Makes It Possible to Decrease Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.
- Efficacy of treating pain to reduce behavioural disturbances in residents of nursing homes with dementia: cluster randomised clinical trial
- Acupuncture for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Acupuncture for Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: An Overview of Systematic Reviews
- Effectiveness and Safety of Aromatherapy in Managing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review
- Herbal Medicine for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Can sleep quality and wellbeing be improved by changing the indoor lighting in the homes of healthy, elderly citizens?
- Narcolepsy - Review Article
- Pharmacotherapies for sleep disturbances in dementia (Review)
- Age-related changes of circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles
- Association between difficulty initiating sleep in older adults and the combination of leisure-time physical activity and consumption of milk and milk products: a cross-sectional study.
- Effectiveness of melatonin treatment on circadian rhythm disturbances in dementia
- Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality
- Insights into REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Pathophysiology in Brainstem-Predominant Lewy Body Disease
- Melatonin decreases delirium in elderly patients- a randomized placebo-controlled trial
- Music for insomnia in adults
- Sleep Pathologies in Depression and the Clinical Utility of Polysomnography
- Sleep Problems in the Elderly
- Winter is coming- nightmares and sleep problems during seasonal affective disorder
- Additional Resources
- Treatment of sleep disorders in dementia
- Amyloid-beta dynamics are regulated by orexin and the sleep-wake cycle
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Older Veterans Using Nonclinician Sleep Coaches: Randomized Controlled Trial
- Dismantling multicomponent behavioral treatment for insomnia in older adults: a randomized controlled trial
- Duration and quality of sleep among Canadians aged 18 to 79
- Efficacy of brief behavioral treatment for chronic insomnia in older adults
- Insomnia (primary) in older people
- Insomnia in the Elderly: A Review
- Optimizing sleep in older adults: treating insomnia
- The effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia in elderly: A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial
- Sensory Stimulation for Nursing-Home Residents: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Its Effects on Sleep Quality and Rest-Activity Rhythm in Dementia
- Sleep Duration and Sleep Quality in Caregivers of Patients With Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Sleep Quality and Aging: A Systematic Review on Healthy Older People, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Additional Resources
- Interventions for reducing benzodiazepine use in older people: meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
- Minimal interventions to decrease long-term use of benzodiazepines in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Screening for alcohol use and misuse in older adults: using the Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test--Geriatric Version.
- Treatment of Benzodiazepine Dependence
- Additional Resources
- Ageing Is Associated with Decreases in Appetite and Energy Intake—A Meta-Analysis in Healthy Adults
- Short Sleep Duration and Dietary Intake: Epidemiologic Evidence, Mechanisms, and Health Implications
- Unintentional Weight Loss in Older Adults
- An Approach to the Nonpharmacologic and Pharmacologic Management of Unintentional Weight Loss Among Older Adults
- Anorexia of ageing: a key component in the pathogenesis of both sarcopenia and cachexia
- Mechanisms of the anorexia of aging—a review
- Whey protein ingestion in elderly results in greater muscle protein accrual than ingestion of its constituent essential amino acid content
- Articles coming soon
- Abbey Pain Scale for Dementia Patients
- Additional Resources
- Cognigram
- Dementia Observational System (DOS) Tool
- Lawton –Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL)
- MoCA Test
- Recommendations on screening for cognitive impairment in older adults.
- The GPCOG: a new screening test for dementia designed for general practice.
- The Abbey pain scale: a 1-minute numerical indicator for people with end-stage dementia
- ABC Dementia Scale: A Quick Assessment Tool for Determining Alzheimer’s Disease Severity
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon