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Practice guideline update summary- Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, adult spasticity, and headache

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Practice guideline update summary- Botulinum neurotoxin for the treatment of blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, adult spasticity, and headache

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Simpson DM1, Hallett M1, Ashman EJ1, Comella CL1, Green MW1, Gronseth GS1, Armstrong MJ1, Gloss D1, Potrebic S1, Jankovic J1, Karp BP1, Naumann M1, So YT1, Yablon SA1.



To update the 2008 American Academy of Neurology (AAN) guidelines regarding botulinum neurotoxin for blepharospasm, cervical dystonia (CD), headache, and adult spasticity.


We searched the literature for relevant articles and classified them using 2004 AAN criteria.


Blepharospasm: OnabotulinumtoxinA (onaBoNT-A) and incobotulinumtoxinA (incoBoNT-A) are probably effective and should be considered (Level B). AbobotulinumtoxinA (aboBoNT-A) is possibly effective and may be considered (Level C). CD: AboBoNT-A and rimabotulinumtoxinB (rimaBoNT-B) are established as effective and should be offered (Level A), and onaBoNT-A and incoBoNT-A are probably effective and should be considered (Level B). Adult spasticity: AboBoNT-A, incoBoNT-A, and onaBoNT-A are established as effective and should be offered (Level A), and rimaBoNT-B is probably effective and should be considered (Level B), for upper limb spasticity. AboBoNT-A and onaBoNT-A are established as effective and should be offered (Level A) for lower-limb spasticity. Headache: OnaBoNT-A is established as effective and should be offered to increase headache-free days (Level A) and is probably effective and should be considered to improve health-related quality of life (Level B) in chronic migraine. OnaBoNT-A is established as ineffective and should not be offered for episodic migraine (Level A) and is probably ineffective for chronic tension-type headaches (Level B).

Resource: Neurology. 2016 May 10;86(19):1818-26.