Home Forums Care of the Elderly Spring 2018 ECHO Care of the Elderly Discussion Boards Spring 2018 ECHO COE: Session 5 – Driving and Older Adult

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    Hello ECHO COE Learning Partners,

    Please use this discussion page to post any comments or questions you may have regarding topics discussed during Session 5 on Driving and Older Adults. Recall that the purpose of this board is to share resources, ask questions and support each other within the ECHO community. Before posting your questions/comments, please review the rules:

    – Please practice non-judgement and respect for others. Only share evidence-based best practices in patient care.
    – Please do not share any identifiable patient information on the message board
    – Promotion of any for-profit entity such as a pharmaceutical organization or medical device company is strictly prohibited.
    – All recommendations made are strictly for education purposes or advice, and are not strict medical orders. The primary care provider takes sole responsibility in the care of the patient.

    * Posts which violate the rules will be removed.

    Athina Nelson

    When asking about driving and older adults, should we routinely ask about other types of transportation such as a boating license? Would the MTO be responsible for removing these types of licenses as well if the patient is found unfit to drive?


    Hi Athina,

    Please see some comments below gathered from our team:

    PART 1:
    Wow. That’s an interesting question. I’m not actually clear on this, but a boating license is not issued by MTO the same way that a license to drive a car is, correct? That is a pleasure craft operator’s licence and i doubt that MTO would be regulating them. They are issued differently (mostly by taking an online course?) and it is usually the coast guard or local peace officers who patrol the waterways and regulate motorcraft operation.
    If someone is concerned about on the water safety, I’d be asking to see their pleasure boat operator’s license and proceed from there. No one is allowed on the waterways in Ontario without one.


    PART 2:
    I agree that it is not MTO that deals with other licenses such as boating or flying aircraft.

    I think that it is important to ask patients about other forms transportation and that it is fair to say if you believe they are unsafe to drive a motor vehicle that they are likely also unsafe to drive a boat or fly a plane. I am not aware of reporting regulations for boats and planes, and, unfortunately, I am not clear who you would report concerns to.

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